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    Founded in 1938 and re-established in 1969, Offaly History (Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society) aims to preserve and promote the rich heritage of County Offaly. Since 1993, the Society has occupied premises at Bury Quay, Tullamore offering a Bookshop, library, reading room, and lecture hall for researcher and members of the public.  Offaly History Centre is beside the new Aldi Supermarket and Old Warehouse restaurant), and best approached from Kilbride Street via Patrick Street or Main Street.

    The main objective of the society is the collection and sharing of research and memories. We do this in an organised way; through exhibitions, the publication of local interest books, weekly blog posts, monthly lectures, and more. The bookshop and reading rooms at Bury Quay are open to the public Monday to Friday, 9am-4:30pm. Regular updates can also be found at our website, and on our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and X.

    To promote Offaly History including community and family history

    What we do:

    • Promote all aspects of history in Co. Offaly.
    • Genealogy service for counties Laois and Offaly.
    • Photographic collections of County Offaly
    • Purchase and sale of Offaly interest books though the Society’s book store and website with over 3000 history books in our shop and up to 1000 online.
    • Publication of books under the Society’s publishing arm Esker Press.
    • The Society subscribes to almost all the premier historical journals in Ireland.
    • The Society manages the collections if Offaly Archives under the care of a professional archivist.

    Our Society covers a diverse range of Offaly Heritage:

    • Architectural heritage, historic monuments such as monastic and castle buildings.
    • Industrial and urban development of towns and villages.
    • Archaeological objects and artefacts.
    • Flora, fauna and bogs, wildlife habitats, geology and Natural History.
    • Landscapes, heritage gardens and parks, farming and inland waterways.
    • Local literary, social, economic, military, political, scientific and sports history.
    Offaly History is a non-profit community group with a growing membership of some 150 individuals. The Society focuses on enhancing educational opportunities, understanding and knowledge of the county heritage while fostering an inclusive approach and civic pride in local identity. We promote these objectives through:
    • The holding of monthly lectures, occasional seminars, exhibitions and social media. Organising tours during the summer months to places of shared historical interest.
    • The publication of an annual journal Offaly Heritage – to date twelve issues.
    • We play a unique role collecting and digitising original primary source materials, especially photographs and oral history recordings
    • Offaly History is the centre for Family History research in Counties Laois and Offaly.
    • The Society is linked to the renowned Irish Family Foundation website and Roots Ireland where some 1,000,000 records of Offaly/Laois interest can be accessed on a pay-per-view basis worldwide. Currently these websites have an estimated 20 million records of all Ireland interest.
    • A burgeoning library of books, CD-ROMs, videos, DVDs, oral and folklore recordings, manuscripts, newspapers and journals, maps, photographs and various artefacts (now over 25,000 items and a catalogue online)
    • OHAS Collections
    • OHAS Centre Facilities
    The financial activities of the Society are operated under the aegis of Offaly Heritage Centre c.l.g, a charitable company whose directors also serve on the Society’s elected committee. None of the Society’s directors receive remuneration or any kind. All the company’s assets are held in trust to promote the voluntary activities of the Society. Our facilities are largely free to the public or run purely on a costs-recovery basis.

    Acting as a policy advisory body –  Offaly History endeavors to ensure all government departments, local authorities, tourism agencies and key opinion formers prioritise heritage matters.

    Meet the current committee: Our Committee represents a broad range of backgrounds and interests. All share a common interest in collecting and promoting the heritage of the county and making it available to the wider community.

    2024 Committee
    • Helen Bracken (President)
    • Shaun Wrafter (Vice President)
    • Michael Byrne (Secretary)
    • Dorothee Bibby (Treasurer)
    • Charlie Finlay (Assistant Treasurer)
    • Niall Sweeney
    • Ciarán McCabe
    • Noel Guerin
    • Angela Kelly
    • Rory Masterson
    • Oliver Dunne
    • Frank Brennan
    • Pat Wynne
    • Laura Price
    • Reneagh Bennett
    • Michael Scully
    • Jim Keating
    • Eamon Larkin
    If you would like to help with the work of the Society by coming on a sub-committee or in some other way please email us at [email protected] or let an existing member know.  
    +353-5793-21421 [email protected] Open 9am-4.30pm Mon-Fri

    Trade Directories for Offaly one hundred years ago. From Offaly History

    A contribution to marking the Decade of Centenaries in Offaly and recalling the past generations and the towns and villages on the eve of the War of Independence

    In marking the years from 1912 to 1923 we may think that the years around 1916, the War of Independence and the Civil War were times of unmitigated strife. Not so. Normal life continued, if punctuated by violent acts, such as the shooting of policemen in Kinnitty, Kilbeggan or Tullamore. The finding of bodies of spies, ‘the disappeared’, in Mountbolus or Puttaghaun. The holding of brief gunbattles in Ballycommon or Charleville Road. Worst of all the organised state violence condoned by Churchill and Lloyd George in the form of the Black and Tans racing through towns and villages in the dead of night and taking shots at anything that moved. Yet normal life continued and no better illustrated than by the issue, almost every week, (Offaly Independent excepted as the printing works was destroyed by British forces ) of the three or four local papers in Offaly and from time to time trade supplements or special publications such as trade directories that very much illustrate local business in most of the Offaly towns. Recently Offaly History acquired the 1919 MacDonald’s Trade Directory for Ireland to add to its collection at Bury Quay, Tullamore.

    In the case of Offaly the directories began with that of Pigot in 1824, followed by Slater in 1846, 1856, 1870, 1881 and 1894. Covering these will take several blogs. In the new twentieth century there was Porter’s in 1908. Various issues of the MacDonald directories have been published since 1887. Our friends in Ask about Ireland have uploaded two for the late 1930s and have added a useful note:

    The Offaly History collection at Bury Quay of the less rare items. Most are in the Thom’s series. MacDonald’s bottom right

    The annual edition of MacDonald’s Irish Directory and Gazetteer was first published in 1887 and depended upon subscriptions and patronage. It was initially an all-Ireland directory but after the political partition of Ireland in 1922 it was divided into two sections: Eire ( Ireland ) and Northern Ireland. Information provided in the gazetteer include the details of elected parliamentary members, the judiciary and other national and local public officials, markets and early closing days, population statistics from official censuses, the banking industry, railways and town/city maps. Also included is information about merchants, traders, manufacturers and other business trading between Ireland, England and Scotland.

    Courtesy of Ask About Ireland

    Of historical interest are the business lists, addresses and contact details for every county in Ireland including the cities of Dublin, Belfast, Limerick, Londonderry and Cork as well as the larger towns arranged in alphabetical order. These demonstrate the plethora of local firms, usually family-owned businesses, manufacturers, traders, suppliers and many other commercial operations throughout the island of Ireland. Publications such as MacDonald’s Irish Directory and Gazetteer were vital for Irish business people who faced unprecedented challenges in the early years of Irish independence. 

    The National Library has copies of issues over some years from 1902 to 1960. So far as we know the provincial towns are not covered by Thom’s Directories until 1927. We have some issues over the period from 1844 (start date) up to the 1940s (see photograph).  The lack of coverage in the nineteenth century for the Offaly towns is what makes Pigot and Slater so useful.

    Two important publications highlight the value of local directories that published in 1884 by the Midland Tribune and in 1890 by John Wright of the King’s County Chronicle. Both are still available from Offaly History. We wrote of our reprint of the 1890 book:

    First published as the King’s County Directory in 1890. Reprinted in 1989 by Esker Press.

    Since its first publication in 1890 as the King’s County Directory this work has been constantly sought for its historical value for all interested in County Offaly, its towns, villages, industries and people. Long out of print and almost impossible to obtain, this facsimile edition with a new introduction and table of contents was made available to make the centenary of its first publication. Offaly One Hundred Years Ago has stood the test of time well and no one interested in Offaly history, be he a serious student or a casual observer, can afford to ignore the opportunity this facsimile edition presents to acquire a book that will endure.

    Just to tell you there are less than forty copies left and when they are gone etc.

    The Epitome is more history than trade but good for the adverts and articles on local industries. The only known original was donated to Offaly Archives soon after it opened in 2020. We wrote of it:

    Not only was John St George Joyce a journalist, he was a historian,
    poet and playwright. His book The King’s County, epitome of its
    history, topography
    (Birr 1883) is now very rare. The first issue in
    December 1883 consisted of 41 closely printed pages of history. The
    second issue soon after carried the same text and some forty pages of
    local advertisements. It is scarcely surprising that copies are not
    known to have survived since it was „published for gratuitous
    circulation‟ at Christmas (1883) among readers of the Midland
    established in 1881.

    In a blog of 2017 in our Offaly History Blog series Dorothee Bibby wrote:

    The book was republished by Offaly History as it had access to the last intact copy of the original edition. This only copy known is the property of one of our members. The book provides an invaluable guide to Offaly of the 1880s through its opinions and perhaps most revealing of all, through its advertisements. It is a history and record of the area as it was known at the time. The book was launched at a function in the OHAS centre, Bury Quay Tullamore in 1998 by Derek Fanning, senior reporter with the Midland Tribune who is the fifth generation of his family to be involved with the newspaper. Mr Fanning recalled that the Tribune had been originally established to give a voice to the nationalist cause and as a result his great-great grandfather, John Powell, the newspaper’s second editor had been imprisoned on a number of occasions. The publication was first issued free of charge with the ‘Tribune’ in October/November 1883 and was issued some time later with 40 pages of advertisements. J. St George Joyce, the book’s author and Tribune first editor, was a fervent nationalist and had spent a number of years in the United States before returning to Ireland in the 1860s or 70s. He joined the Midland Tribune, which had been founded as a Land League organ by four curates from the diocese of Killaloe in 1881.

    So there is some of the background to the directories we hope to write of the use that can be made of these directories in another blog. Reverting now to the MacDonald’s issue of 1919 and here are the entries

    Banagher 1919

    Well known names here including the Harp Hotel. It then had a Bank of Ireland, a fine building by Symes. Flynn’s were there and J.J. Neilan. No mention of the Maltings of Williams and the furniture factory had closed the previous year.

    Birr 1919

    We see three banks (the same as Tullamore in number). Hickey builders , Goldon and Myles pharmacies in Main Street (then called Duke Street). Kingston’s – the family of the county secretary and of ‘Mrs Cathal Brugha’. Cycle Agents Lee’s in Castle Street and almost twenty drapers listed. Dooly’s Hotel was there (owned by the Midland Hotels Group) and Murphy’s garage in Castle Street. Publicans listed are low in number warning you that these directories are not comprehensive and much depended on subscription. Sheppard’s in Duke Square was listed as stationer and no longer a bookshop as it had been back to the 1830s. The Barber family jewellers is there and we think since the 1890s.


    White and Williams are the big stores here with two banks and the big player was, of course, Goodbody flour mills (then undergoing very expensive refurbishment after a fire) and the jute factory. Farrell’s and Flynn’s also – shops with attractive shopfronts – some of which have survived.


    Alsebury dominated and some interesting entries for the emerging peat business and for Moore’s butchers (records now in Offaly Archives).


    Of Hiney, Hamill and Perry among others


    Coffey, Williams and, of course the Egan store (later Gath’s).


    Thomas Marshall was specialising in breeches making. We had the famous McCann’s hotel.


    The town began with Ashe, architect but he was gone the following year. O’Carroll Pawnbrokers had two shops. The town had the well-known bakers of English and Lumley, and Gorry’s were the famous newsagents up to the late 1990s. This was the home of the Egan and Williams companies with branch shops throughout the midlands. Michael Gill’s we mentioned in a recent blog and now you get to see some of the competition. Three cycle agents including Kilroys (up to 2007), Walshe (that was Poole until 1902) and Egan’s.

    Every entry in this directory has a story. So why not sit down and write it now for this series. If you have ledgers, accounts, diaries, pictures, stories, bill heads, memorial cards, give them a safe home, [email protected]

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